Pregnancy Laser Hair Removal Fears

Pregnancy laser hair removal might be a confusing problem for pregnant mothers annoyed by the new hair growth which might be a problem for some. Pregnancy laser hair removal might be encountered by women who are already undergoing laser hair removal and are worried should they continue their with their sessions as planned or stop. Some women might also be worried about the safety of pregnancy laser hair removal for women who are trying to conceive. Pregnancy Laser Hair Removal image

Is it wise to opt for pregnancy laser hair removal? Is it prudent to go for laser hair removal treatment when trying to conceive? These are the common question a laser experts get from many health conscious ladies.


Pregnancy marks the entry of a woman into motherhood. Pregnancy is an important and difficult stage in the life of a woman. Along with other problems associated with pregnancy the problem of unwanted hair growth is a visible and most annoying problem for some women. Various hormone changes going in the body during pregnancy are responsible for this problem.

Most of the women experience morning sickness, insomnia, heartburn, headaches and body pains during their early pregnancies but later on they know with experience how to overcome these problem.

Safety during pregnancy

To get the answer those simple questions, proper insight into the mechanism of laser hair removal procedure is required.

Laser hair removal works by sending beams of high energy laser beams targeting hair follicles. In order to reach the hair follicles laser beams must pass through the skin not farther than few millimeters. Therefore, it’s not likely that laser light will penetrate deeper to cause any damage to the developing baby.

The laser light is nothing like an x ray and the exposure is only on the skin. A healthy pregnant woman has a 3% risk of birth defects and 15% chances of miscarriage and nobody can alter the risk. There is no proof that use of laser increases these risks in any way.

The next question is regarding conception. Whether the use of laser is safe if one is trying to conceive or if one conceives during the course of multiple treatments sessions required. The answer is the same that there are no risks involved at it all.

Use of pain relief medication

Last but not the least there is a question associated with the use pain relief medication. Extreme caution should be taken before using any medication for laser hair removal pain management during pregnancy due to possible harmful effects of certain drugs during pregnancy. No anesthesia is employed during the procedure but only topical anesthetic cream is employed which only desensitizes the upper skin and has nothing to do with the fetus or embryo. Additionally the introduction of new and safe laser devices with efficient cooling has minimized the use of anesthetic medication during this procedure.


Pregnancy can be a difficult time for women especially women pregnant for the first time. Due to the mood changes and increased irritability during pregnancy laser hair removal might turn out to be a painful procedure for some women. Also due to risk of complications not relating to laser hair removal but due to pregnancy itself the laser clinics do not take up pregnant patients. So, due to this consideration it’s better not to consider this procedure during pregnancy. If you have a previous schedule to follow then u should wait until you have delivered.


No known problems have been recorded yet which discourage pregnancy laser hair removal. It is quite safe and it has a good safety profile. So, whether you are pregnant or trying to conceive there are no risks associated with the use of lasers for removing hairs. But the main glitch is that laser clinics do not take pregnant ladies as patients. Also during pregnancy you might experience some new hair growth, so you should wait and get rid of all these hairs after your pregnancy.


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